Maxime's masterwork,Repertoire The King Kong of Band Music!

The King Kong of Band Music!

In 1842, Danish composer Andreas Hallager presented a gift to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, for his 47th birthday: an almost 900-page score of a programmatic composition for band, portraying the entire life of Napoleon Bonaparte. At approximately 2 hours in length, this composition is on a scale never seen before.

This is the Reminiscences of the Last Days on St Helena, the longest known work for band.

893-page manuscript
312-page score
3546 bars
2 hours duration


2 Flute
2 Oboe
4 Clarinet
2 Bassoon
4 Horn
2 Cornet
2 Trumpet
3 Trombone
Percussion Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Triangle
Part One
1. The Emperor’s childhood
2. The Military Academy at Brienne
3. First love
4. Capture of Toulon
5. Marriage to Josephine
6. Landing in Egypt
7. Battle of the Pyramids
8. Appointment as First Consul
9. Crossing over St. Bernhard
10. Battle of Marengo
11. The Coronation
12. Coronation as King of Italy
13. Finale

Part Two
1. Battle of Austerlitz
2. Battle of Jena
3. Peace of Tilsit
4. Battle of Eckmühl
5. Crossing the Pyrenees
6. Entry into Madrid
7. Marriage to the Archduchess Marie Louise
8. Birth of the King of Rome

Part Three
1. Capture of Smolensk
2. Entry into Moscow
3. Retreat from Russia
4. Crossing the Berezina
5. Battle of Dresden
6. Battle of Leipzig
7. Farewell at Fontainebleau
8. Stay on the island of Elba
9. Landing at Cannes
10. Battle of Waterloo
11. Crossing to St. Helena
12. Stay on the island
13. The Emperor’s death
14. Return of the entourage

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