How the Right-Hemisphere understands Harmony Somewhere in the dim distant reaches of my memory I recall being told of the modes in music that minor was sad and major was
Day: 27 February 2016
Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 5Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 5
“Time” is not of our World Whosoever danceth not, knoweth not the way of life. Jesus Christ [1]Found in a Gnostic Hymn of the second century, quoted in Curt Sachs,
Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 4Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 4
When the hall is heard filled by the emotions created by the music, whose emotions are they?” First of all, some important facts about the emotions as pertains to conducting:
Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 3Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 3
Music is not an Art Object A number of early philosophers debated what is meant by “Art.” Do we mean by Art what the artist has in his mind, or

Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 2Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 2
How to Write a Love Letter For reasons reviewed in the first little essay in this series, here you are—the real you, trapped in the right-hemisphere of the brain which

Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 1Right-Hemisphere Conducting, Nr. 1
Why the Students don’t listen to you in Rehearsal In a recent paper, “Why Music Education is no longer about Music,” I reviewed for the reader the basic characteristics of
On the Significance of the TitleOn the Significance of the Title
Reprinted from “On the Significance of the Title,” The NBA Journal, Vol. LV, Nr. 2, Winter, 2015. In April 2015, I will be conducting an all-city honor band in San
Tenuto and Fermata: Rebels Against the Tyranny of NotationTenuto and Fermata: Rebels Against the Tyranny of Notation
For a million years or more, singers and instrumentalists playing on natural instruments made music freely with the sole goal of expressing their feelings. But once notation appeared the “rules”

The Maxime Principle: Thoughts on the origin of dynamic markingsThe Maxime Principle: Thoughts on the origin of dynamic markings
In a communication we recently received from Professor Maxime in Paris, she encouraged all instrumentalists to begin thinking of the Italian piano and forte symbols to mean relative degrees of